Friday, September 23, 2011

The 100 workout

Ok...I wont even lie...I had cookies (those that I didn't devour last night during Big Bang and the Office) for breakfast. But one thing that I have slowly started this week is exercise. I figure its a good thing to work myself into since its been almost four weeks since I had Hinkley. so Fitness is For You Fridays focus this week. I also found this "100 workout" on Tumblr that I will try. I need easy stuff to exercise because if its too complicated I wont do it...But people raved about it and I like that I don't have to remember a lot and can do it while eating cookies watching the Office or while Curious George in on in the morning!

The 100 Workout
100: Jumping Jacks
90: Crunches
80: Lunges
70: Leg Lifts
60: Jumping Jacks
50: Crunches
40: Squats
30: Leg Lifts
20: Jumping Jacks
Run for 1 mile

Easy peasy right? Ok not easy to do but easy to try to do :) However I am NOT A RUNNER so running a mile would litteraly kill me and I don't have a jogging stroller so if I had my kiddo's I wouldn't even be able to try...darn. So I am replacing the running with 10 min of Cardio. And that is still right on theme with the count down! Let me know if anyone does it and how you liked it!!!

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